Hendersonville Schedule and Directions

Sunday Mornings

  • Identical services meet at 8, 9:30, and 11:15AM.
  • Our Chapel offers additional seating with a real-time stream of the service in a smaller, more intimate setting just steps away from the main Worship Center.
  • LH Kids programming is available during every service.
  • LH Students Life Groups meet during the 9:30 and 11:15AM services in the Student Building.
  • Our Spanish-translated service is in-person during the 11:15AM service.
  • The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community has a translated service option at 9:30AM.

Tuesday Prayer Gatherings

Join us every Tuesday for a special prayer gathering from 6 - 7PM in the Chapel. The doors will be open from 5:45 - 6PM for personal communion and silence and solitude. Open to anyone, it’s a great opportunity to fellowship with each other and the Lord as we share prayer requests, praises, read Scripture, and pray. If you are new to prayer or are unsure about praying aloud (it’s not required!), don’t let that stop you! You can learn more about prayer at Long Hollow here.

Wednesday Nights

Special Events and Programs

Support Groups, Discipleship Groups, and Life Groups meet in various locations in our community throughout the week. You can also explore our site to find a full list of programming for LH Kids, LH Students, and LH Young Adults.

Keep an eye on our site and app for schedules for special events like camps, retreats, conferences, and more.


Our Hendersonville campus is located just down the road from Beech Elementary School on Long Hollow Pike. We’re easy to find on Google Maps (or your favorite maps app for directions). We also have a campus map to help you find your way around while you’re here.

NEW: Ride the Shuttle from Beech High School

If you're traveling from New Shackle Island Road, New Hope Road, or the Goodlettsville side of Long Hollow Pike, you may find that the extended Sunday parking lot at Beech High School is the best fit for your family. Shuttles run continuously from the Beech parking lot to our front door, and the extended lot clears faster after services as well. Shuttles begin running at 6AM every Sunday through 2PM.