LH Kids Wednesday Nights

Beginning on January 10, LH Kids is hosting 4-week equipping workshops for children in Kindergarten - 5th grade. These Bible studies are designed to better equip children to study God’s Word and grow as a spirit-led follower, intentional friend, humble guide, and force for good. Registration is available for the entire semester.

Check in and drop off begins at 6:15 p.m. Programming is from 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Winter/Spring Schedule


Bible Basics for Kindergarteners: Kindergarteners are invited to participate in a foundational Bible study that gives children an introduction and overview of how to navigate the Bible. This study will build on itself, so we encourage children to participate the entire semester if possible. This study will begin in January and end in April. Bibles will be provided for children to use at church during the study. *There is limited space for this study. Once spots are filled, Kindergarteners will still be able to register for childcare.

1st - 4th Grade


Game Changers: Teams are God’s idea, and He wants us all on His team. Throughout this series, kids will see that playing on God’s team makes life better, and they’ll learn several things they can do to be great teammates.


On the Go: God has different names that remind us who He is and what He is like. As kids travel the globe in this series, they will discover different names for God and how we can know Him in these different ways. Kids will also explore new places and meet new people as they are "On the Go!"


Treasure Hunt: We’re pirates setting sail to the land where it all began—Israel! Many years ago, God chose a special land and a special people to make His most special treasure—Jesus—evident to all who search for it. This special place is as real today as it was back then. As we search for treasure along this journey, we will discover that the good news about Jesus is the best treasure of all—a treasure that we can store in our very own hearts.


Star Voyager: On this voyage through outer space, kids will learn their true identities as they discover exactly who God says they are.

5th Grade

5th Graders meet weekly to engage with God's Word in a unique setting designed just for them. The January/February series will focus on "What's Next?" as students learn basics of the Christian faith including, "Why should I read my Bible?", "What is biblical community?", and "How can I share my faith with others?" Register once for the entire semester.

Register for K - 5th Grade

Wednesday Night Childcare

Childcare is available for birth through pre-K for children whose parents are in Equipping Workshops, Step Studies, or volunteering on campus. Kindergarten - 5th graders who need childcare will be invited to attend a Bible study. (Kindergarten has limited Bible study spots available. Once filled, Kindergarteners can still sign up for childcare.) Childcare will not offer any additional studies. Registration for childcare is required.

Register for Childcare

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Jennifer White at jennifer.white@longhollow.com.