Special Needs

At Long Hollow, we desire to be a place where families with special needs know they belong so they may experience the love of Jesus Christ. We appreciate parents giving us time to find the right volunteer for their child and filling out our intake form to help us best prepare for any needs their child may have.

Kids Intake Form

What Is a Buddy?

Because inclusion is our overall goal with everyone, a buddy serves to help assist a student in a typical class. Children can remain with their peers unless they need a break. We want each child to have a consistent buddy or pair of buddies where relationships are fostered and trust is gained. A buddy’s role is to help facilitate meaningful connections between your child and their leader and peers, as well as helping your child grow to know and love The Lord. If this is the best option for your child, please allow us a little time to pair them with a volunteer.

What Is a Sensory Room?

A Sensory Rooms is a stand alone classroom that is intentionally designed for anyone who may benefit from a smaller ratio of leader to student and modified curriculum specifically designed to meet the needs of different learning styles. In any of our Sensory Rooms, you can find a multitude of fun activities that engage all the senses. We have exercise balls, trampolines, swings and lots of other things to help kids feel comfortable.

Sensory Room Schedule

Preschool / Kindergarten: Room 123 at 9:30AM
Elementary: Room 220 (1st - 5th Grade) at 9:30 and 11:15AM
Students: Room 222 (6th - 12th Grade) at 9:30 and 11:15AM
*Please note that placement in a sensory room is based on age, grade, and ability level.

Upcoming Events

For more information, contact our Special Needs Ministry Coordinator, Macie Brown, at Macie.Brown@longhollow.com.