Our Third Service Now Begins at 11:15

With attendance increasing dramatically in 2023, we’ve made a small schedule change on Sundays to make it dramatically easier to get on and off of our campus between services. Beginning Sunday, February 26, our 11:00 a.m. service shifted slightly to start 15 minutes later at 11:15 a.m. This minor change makes a huge difference in the congestion of our parking lots and the surrounding roads.

Can You Help Us Make Room for More Families?

As new families visit our church on a weekly basis, we need your help to make more room for guests during the service they attend the most. If you’ve joined us in person in recent weeks, you’ve probably noticed how full the 9:30 a.m. service feels on Sunday mornings. This is a great “problem” to have (who doesn’t love worshiping with a full room!), but even after adding seats and shrinking aisles, we need to make more room by spreading out our attendance among all 3 service hours.

Would you consider moving your family to attend the 8:00 a.m. service hour? There’s far more room to spread out in the worship center at 8, and just 100 families switching the service they attend would make a massive difference in making room for people to hear the Gospel on a weekly basis. Thank you for your flexibility and heart to reach our community.