Serve with the Care Team to be a force for good within our church family.
Assist and encourage those coming for baptism. Help direct people to changing areas, assist in selecting clothing, and celebrate with them after this special event. (Volunteer application, membership, and background check required.)
Use your gift of encouragement in this behind-the-scenes opportunity to send cards to those who need hope, support, and comfort. Contact Leslee Kiser at for more information.
Show care to those who are hurting or lonely. Personal visits, phone calls, or sending encouraging cards are just a few ways to serve. Providing meals is also a way to serve and offer support.
The Landing is a Long Hollow ministry of Celebrate Recovery designed to help students in grades 6–12 find a path to freedom, healing and wholeness as they journey with other students to pursue a relationship with God. Find out more here.
We have opportunities to pray with and for people at stations throughout the campus on Sunday. If something a little more private is where you are more comfortable, join us in the prayer room before or after services. Find out more about the prayer team here.
Long Hollow Prison Ministry offers a variety of ways to help those who are incarcerated. You can send cards and help respond to letters, or visit prisons to lead d-groups and participate in worship services.
Do you have the desire to help others with something you have struggled with yourself? Support groups are a great way to use your experience to help others.
Serve inside Care Ministry events and initiatives with things like setup and teardown, greeting, managing resources, and ministering to those involved. Contact Christy Ryan at for more information on this volunteer opportunity.
Help plan and execute on and off-campus events for our 55+ ministry. Find out more about the ministry here.