Fall Offering 2024
October 13 - November 17, 2024

Each fall, the Long Hollow family continues in our goal to be a force for good near and far by contributing to a special Fall Offering. When you go above and beyond with your giving, it allows us to do the same with our missionaries and partners here and across the world. It’s another way we can practice generosity and make a difference for current and future generations.

Building A Church In Uganda

A portion of our fall offering will go toward a church building for a church planted by Long Hollow missionaries Dan and Michelle Dropp in Uganda. Over the past seven years, these missionaries have not only planted a church, but have started a school, an orphanage, and a transition home for orphans. Let’s help them continue in their mission to make disciples and glorify God in a country full of desperate needs.

Reaching Apartment Complexes With City Life

Long Hollow is privileged to partner with City Life, an organization that builds relationships with apartment complexes to share the Gospel and start discipleship groups. With the population growing rapidly in our area, this ministry is strategically poised to build the kingdom and is seeing encouraging progress. Our fall offering gift will go toward their ML615 initiative, equipping mission teams and local churches to be disciplemakers in apartments where they live, work, or worship.

Fighting To End Hunger In Sumner

Many children and teens in Sumner County eat only the meals they receive at school because there is little to no available food at home. That means that on weeknights and weekends, they go hungry. Long Hollow wants to help with this crisis happening in our own backyard. While we already partner with local organizations monthly to help with needs, we know there is more to do! By giving to this year’s fall offering, you’ll help us with a new initiative coming in 2025 to do more to alleviate the needs of students in our local school system.

Go here if you’d like to give to the Fall Offering.